Zodiacac sign: Leo

(23rd July – 22nd August)


Most probably 2019 will reveal itself to be one of the best years for family and affairs of the heart. The most important time will be around your birthday when Mars will begin a new chapter in your life entering in Leo again. The most productive moment for personal development will be from June to October, when you will feel stimulated and full of energy. As far as friends and family are concerned don’t let them get the upper hand! Do your best to be there if they need you, but don’t let them invade your private space. Most importantly, in July, a balanced form of communication with those close to you, as well as with your colleagues will prove to be of utmost  importance. In between one work commitment and the next try to enjoy yourself and relax. Particularly in March and in June you will be kept busy by interesting people and creative engagements. The full moon eclipse on the 16thof July  will push you to make changes to your home life that won’t be easy. Try to avoid stress-related reactions like mood swings and anxiety attacks.


More attention will be paid to you by your partner and you will make enthusiastic plans for your future. In exchange you will give love passionately and be a cheerful companion. If you are married you will decide on goals together. There is a romantic trip on the horizon to a country you have always wanted to visit! But your desire to travel won’t stop here as work will also offer you travel you can’t say no to and who’s to say that whilst you are away you won’t get bowled over by someone you very attractive.


Saturn governs teeth and bones so perhaps taking a calcium supplement will be beneficial to you. Should your doctor consider it appropriate he may well advise training at the gym or at home with weights to build your muscles.  You will be drawn to trying new cosmetics  and you will keep up to date on new medical-cosmetic techniques to stay young and beautiful!


Manuela our Managing Director blessed with strong creative-fu and an innate sensibility for colour. She thinks and lives in colour to the point that she is able to distinguish every shade of grass in the Scottish highlands… she has the eye of a lynx, the misfortune for whoever has to have their drafts checked over by her :((. For her: a natural biphasic make-up remover with Dedraflow ®HCO by The Innovation Company for an assiduous beauty routine.
Pier our warehouse technician who knows all of the hidden corners of the company (maybe he was born here?) and should have been an art critic as he is a walking encyclopaedia on the subject…For him: a cream to protect him from changing temperatures based on Campo Snow White, active adaptogen by Campo Research